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Foundry Setup

Foundry & System Settings

For Material Plane to work, there are no special requirements with regards to the Foundry core or system settings, and the module is system agnostic.

However, you might want to disable 'Pan to Token Speaker' in the Foundry core settings.

User Configuration

There will need to be at least 1 gamemaster user for Foundry to work, and for Material Plane to work there needs to be at least 1 player user.
As the gamemaster user you can add users in the 'Game Settings' tab on the right side of the screen by pressing the 'User Management' button. Here you can create an additional user. For the display user this can be either a 'Player' or 'Trusted Player'.

Actor Permissions

All player characters should be given 'Owner' permission for the display user.
This can be configured in the 'Actors' tab on the right side of the screen. By right-clicking an actor you can select 'Configure Ownership' which opens up a popup in which you can configure which users have what ownership over that actor.